Gary Miller's Blog
    A person must know something and know he has mastered it. A moment of indecisiveness may turn back the element of success. Don’t live in the world of someday I’ll. I this life to be successful you must be an expert in what you do. You should know every facet of the thing you do and strive to be the best. You will always jump out of bed early every morning eager to become better with your skills and over come any obstacles on the way. They say you can walk through the mud if you keep your eye on the stars.  I believe one should draw a line in the sand and never retreat backwards. You must dig your heals in and advance forward with out the positive goals seeking thoughts & principles you can muster. A man with no principles will not accomplish much. Principles will guide you through the maze of conflict. Conflicting opinions will inspire you with unflinching courage, in the battle of life, to find the magical path custom made for your journey through your life. It will color all of your experiences with the spin of your dreams & perceptions and will eventually take you exactly where you believe you should end up. Principles are the one ally that will never desert you when it seems that you are surrounded by enemies. It is the thing that will deliver you from danger.

    Every morning jump out of bed and put on your suit of amour, pick up your sword & shield and head out to slay lives dragons. Never back down from your goals and your principles.

   By your very own words they spin off your own peculiar influence and interpretation which others instinctively detect and react to. People pick up on if you’re honest or deceitful, if you believe in yourself or not. I you are joyous or sad. Winners attract themselves to others by the power of sincerity. When people mistrust themselves and their principles people pick up on that.  A man is only lowly when he beats himself up. A man becomes exalted when he lives an exalted life. Learning and making mistakes are a normal part of growth and learning so remember that a big shot is just a little shot that didn’t stop learning.

Our life is exactly what we make it, created by our own thoughts & actions. It is only our attitude which determines if we are Happy or sad or if its’ going to be a good day or a bad one. Good or bad, foolish or wise is a state of mind that begins and ends with us each and every day. If one is weak and feeling sorry for himself he by his thoughts & deeds has brought himself to that point. If one is foolish it’s because we ourselves act foolish. A person has no character, no life apart from his own thoughts and actions because they revel to the world who and what he is and what his beliefs are.

    Just as a sculptor takes a block of stone and turns it into a work of art , we too take our rough form and make it into the person we believe we can be. Each person is totally responsible for the thoughts he is thinking and the state of mind & reality he finds himself in. So as we change our thinking we can change our reality. Zig Ziglar always said “ You can who you are & what you are by just changing what goes into your mind.”  We attract into our lives the situations that go along with our thoughts. Life is never going to make a liar out of you. You become what you think about each and every moment.

 A person of dignity & principles can not be beaten down or enslaved because his thoughts are of freedom not of chains of self-pity. Either you walk the streets as a warrior or as a victim. Predators are waiting to pounce on the sick and the weak and the ones who are afraid. They find it easier to walk away from the confident. It is your birthright to walk as a strong, independent, worry free controlled person.

    A person who woks from fixed principles need not to bother himself with silly details for he see the big picture and reacts accordingly.

   It seems that every thought we think, every impulse we feel, every act and word we say brings about a result in exact accordance with its own nature. I believe there is no more painful bondage than to be at the mercy of our own inclinations and there is no greater freedom. The mind is like a muscle only developed and strengthened by use.  We act and fail or achieve according to our beliefs and our future never deviates. We become what we think we deserve. Our whole life & character develop from our beliefs and has nothing to do with the outside forces. Guard well what you say to yourself everyday because your beliefs will become your reality. There are no accidents in your life; the limitations of your nature are the fences of your own thoughts. No one is hindered by another only by their own thoughts & beliefs. Just as the ocean is made up of drops of water, the earth is made up of grains of sand … we are made of the sum total of our thoughts, speech, & action. To know your future is to examine your own belief system. A year is made up of a number of sequential moments. Your character & life is built on the secret principles that you hold to be true and our moment to moment thoughts & decisions make up the finished whole… us. Our life is the sum total of the thought we hold true to. Our very existence is nothing more than a series of efforts and accomplishments. I once read a book on the Wild West and it stated “The West and its’ land were there for the taking. Yet it was no place for the weak, timid, or the hesitant. Rather it was the individuals who grasped the opportunities regardless of the odds.” We have choices in our life … to win or to lose, to be rich or to be poor, to be happy or to be sad. Let Gary Miller walk you through the steps of success.

The world exists in order that we may experience , grow, and make choices. When the correct choice is made in thought and action we learn and there is an increase in wisdom.  Growth is about purposeful change accompanied by progress.  Even when we are in a state of suffering and sadness this too opens the door to all change and achievement. One who does’nt believe in achievement never aspires for perfection.  Change is constant, without it we would remain the same in our childlike state.  Aspiring to conquer the imperfections of today lead us to the perfections, aspiration, and the  accomplishments of tomorrow.

    We eventually reach our end and we must also start at our beginning.  We must refine the smallest details of our life and go step by step from start to finish.  Polishing accompanies each step and there is logical adjustments we make with each step honing are skills as we go on. We eventually end up at the outcome we expected. In all things we walk towards our truths in a direct unswayed & untroubled by external forces, way.

    No matter how apparently trivial the thing is which has to be done, there is a right way & a wrong way. To do it the right way saves friction, time, & trouble and develops grace, skill, & happiness. Should a person learning a trade refuse instruction and persist in doing it his way, he will never become anything better than a clumsy bungler. The universe is sustained by exactness, it rests on order, it demands for you to do it right.

Where there is a conflict of opinions there is a maze of confusion. Where there is confusion there can be no growth. Where there is no growth you can not get on successfully with your journey. Every thought, every act, every impulse, & every word brings about a result in exact accordance with its own nature. There is no more painful bondage than to be at the mercy of our own inclinations and no greater freedom.

    Just as the ocean is made up of drops of water and the Earth is made up of grains of sand … so is our Life is made up of our thoughts, our acts, our principles, and are skills. Without these Life would cease to be. Everyman life therefore, is made up of what his apparently detached thoughts, acts, and dreams make it.. Their combination is oneself. As a year consists of a number of sequential moments … so a mans’ character is made up of a number of sequential thoughts and deeds. The finished whole is made up of the imprint of the parts. Nothing great can exist, which is not made of small details of which every detail is perfect.

    A man can not excel until he disciplines himself. He is made up of a series of sensations, longings, confusions unrelated to any central principle.  To accomplish anything one must manage their mind.  You live from within to without as you regulate your conduct in accordance to your principles & belief system. A discipline person becomes the molder of his outer circumstances. All evil becomes powerless with the development of self discipline. It is the silent conquering of one thought that brings all dreams into reality. All accomplishment & growth begin with a thought. All demise and misery grow from negative thoughts. If you become what you think about we must become the captain of our own ship to steer ourselves to the destinies that we call success & victory.

Each and every day I am developing new skills & habits that are transforming into the person I most want to be. Each and every day I am committed to take risks that are about things I never knew or tried before. You can change who are what you are by just changing what goes into your mind. Objects in motion tend to remain in motion and objects at rest tend to remain at rest, are you moving or standing still. Are you moving in the direction of your goals & dreams? The beginning of every journey begins with the first step.

       Losers resign their selves to an unsatisfying job and unproductive work habits, unhappy personal relationships. The fear of risk always blocks the possibility of success & fulfillment. Winners are always stretching their potential and seeking new innovations. As people get older and stuck in their habits they forget the excitement of experimentation and discovering new things. They therefore limit new growth and opportunities. They start to buy into a someday I’ll mindset of boredom & unhappiness. They forget how to best use the precious commodity of time. It’s your own responsibility not to squander and waste your time.

       Everyone is given all their talents and all their potential at the time of their birth it is up to them to discover these gifts while they are alive. Michelangelo once told a group of people who were in awe of his sculptures that the subject was there in its original form all the time … all he did was cut away the excess. What ware you suppose to be at the end of your life? What talents do you have hidden below the surface? How much wealth & happiness are you entitled to?

       Just remember the road to failure is littered with missed opportunities; whereas the road to success is paved with daily action. Opportunity never knows because it’s always inside of us.

       Teddy Roosevelt once said “ Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs though checkered with failure , than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much or suffer much because they live in that grey twilight that knows neither victory or defeat.”


Consider your G-d given talents when setting goals or going for a new dream. Always do what you enjoy doing and go with the flow of your daydreams. Never let your past defeats limit what you are going to do next. There are more talented people who are failures than so called untalented people who become high achievers. This proves that talent in itself is not the determining factor for getting what you want out of life. Expect more from yourself. You can rise to heights higher than you thought possible.  Expect little and accomplish little … expect much and accomplish much, the choice is up to you. Great drive, persistence, magnificent obsessions brings to the top talents never before thought possible. Every problem is an opportunity for new growth and new possibilities.

    If you think this is impossible than you are the only one getting in your way to the road to success. Every difficulty is a call to triumph. Every problem can be a real adventure from start to finish. Remember triumph is made up of try & umph. G-d has unlimited opportunities and unlimited resources which are made available to people who think big. You might not always achieve your goals as fast as you would like but your goals are always in the process of creating the person you are becoming.

    What dreams would you dream if you knew you could not fail? If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. The Laws of attraction will always deliver to you who and what you need to succeed.

    Growth is the pulse that lets you know you are alive. Go after anything you want, with everything you got, till you get it. For Mans reach should exceed his grasp or what is a heaven for? Your uniqueness is what you have, and what you bring to everything you do in this world.


A fine wine becomes richer and more tasty over a long time of ripening; so do great cigars, cheese, meat, and great alcohol.  People also become fuller with the passing of time and the accumulation of life experiences. A wise person becomes wiser with time because he sees the bigger picture of life. He sees cycles and he sees how things that seem negative in our lives some how work themselves into be positive things in Life. He is an observer of history and sees how reckless youth think they know better and make the same mistakes over and over until they learn to see the big picture. We have to learn to embrace the masters of yesterday and let them be the leaders so we do not have to repeat their mistakes. I believe that a dumb old person is much smarter than a perceived to be brilliant young person. I believe that we are in a era that throws away our experienced, so called outdated teachers and puts the reckless ivy schooled inexperienced dreamers, as the leaders. We toss out what was working for change and not reason.

    Did you that 50 years ago that all that was around was photojournalism and most photographers died broke. The new leaders of the field became masters of the magic of posing & lighting. Then innovators took the studio and brought them to the weddings. Photographers were transformed into successful entrepreneurs and accumulated more money and success than ever thought possible. This new generation was given photography on a silver platter and never had to learn any of the skills… just point and shoot and technology will do the rest. As more people discovered the goose and her golden eggs they fell into the Laws of Diminishing Returns and supply & demand which states the more there is of something the less its perceived value. Today photographers are fighting for the title of giving the most quantity for the least service and quality. Instead of this profession evolving into something better because of this generation, it is going back to where it was over 50 years ago. Instead of photographers being looked about as creative artist who can interpret the life and flavor of a family, or of a wedding, they are looked at as if they were a commodity, with there being no difference between one photographer and another. Are you a commodity? What separates you and your artistry from the others? What are you and your time and your talents worth? Do you have all the answers or are you will to learn from someone whose business with stood the test of time? You can become who you want and create what you want by just changing what goes into your mind.



To have lived a life time without stretching your self to be the best you can be is sad. It is our duty to develop ourselves by developing as many additional talents and skills as possible. When we fall short of our potential in every facet of out life … we are actually limiting our strength, happiness, and aliveness. Just think of the reward and satisfaction that could have come to us if we would have only reached higher. Just think of the pleasure from new hobbies, skills, added understanding of what makes us happy, that we cheated ourselves out of. How much more money we could have created, how much more free time with our families would we have enjoyed. What great things we could have done with our allotted time on this planet. It means we have settled for far less and we could have experienced and enjoyed far more. How high does an oak tree grow? It grows as tall as it can. Why should we settle for less?

    Ask your self what do you enjoy? If you had unlimited money what dreams would you dream and what would you do with your day. Get rid of your fears. Test & stretch yourself. FEAR is false evidence appearing real. In my own life I did everything I was afraid of to conquer my fears. I was afraid of the water so I learned to scuba dive. I was afraid of heights so I skied in the Alps. I was afraid of horses so I bought one and learned to ride. I was fat and out of shaped so I learned about body building. I was afraid of snakes so I collected pythons, boa constrictors and an array of big snakes and lizards. I was afraid of being robbed so I learned Martial Arts. I didn’t think hand to hand combat was affective for me so I learned out to shoot. I didn’t know which gun was the best so I bought one of each. I was afraid to take my business out of my house … so I forced myself to get a studio. I was afraid I would end up broke… so I learned the principles of success. I didn’t know how to showcase by product so I talked to the worlds finest sales trainers.  I never wanted to deal with computers and new technology so I went digital. I was afraid to speak in public so I joined Toastmasters and eventually became the president of the local organization. Before long as was speaking at Wedding Photographers International & Professional Photographers of America, both nationally. I even created my own Tapes series on the philosophy of Change and creating Wealth. I was told I couldn’t read or write very well and started to write articles for WPI with spell check. I was afraid of aggressive dogs; I got into shutzhund training… German Police dog training and attack work. I was allergic to bee and always frightened of them… I became a bee keeper.  I was afraid of commitment and I got married . . . even though I’m still afraid.  Do the thing you fear and you will fear it no more.

    Life is a real enjoyable trip where the reality is moving faster than the dreams. Life and sharing and growing is a real blessing and everyday I jump out of bed excited looking forward to the new & exciting experiences that G-d is going to send to me today.

What ever you believe to be true in your mind becomes reality. It seems that our outside life is always in harmony with our belief system. What ever we think is going to happen to us usually does. However we start our day usually continues and our attitude about our job is a fulfilling prophecy. Your job is to first begin to work on yourself until you build a stronger better model. You must be unshakable in your attitude. Would you like to have more money... then why don’t you? Instead of listing your favorite excuses try setting new goals and discover new growth solutions. It seems that successful people are very clear about what they believe in. They do not compromise and they do not waiver from the course they set for themselves. Their values & beliefs are always expressed in their actions. Life is a war against negativity and lack of confidence. Winning does not always go to the fastest and the boldest but the person who perseveres step by step, challenge by challenge, success by success. The person who wins in the long run is the person who believes he can. The one who believes there is a divine spark in him that will allow him to accomplish anything in life he sets his mind on.

    Everyday we must jump out of bed and eagerly look forward to moving our experiences to help us fulfill the dreams & goals we have. We can look forward to the people we will meet and the things we will learn to become stronger more successful individuals. We must be thankful for the gifts & skills we have and are developing.  We pay a heavy price for are fear of failure because it causes a constant reduction of our personality and retards personal growth. Failure is an opportunity for new growth and discovery. To keep growing you must risk new failure. The only people who never fail are the people who never grow.     You always become what ever you set out to become. Some people are always worried that someone will laugh at them. You need a “who cares “mind set. Once you succeed in learning what skills create your success … its’ you who has the last laugh. Success & prosperity just don’t happen … they are a state of mind.

    Your wealth already exists it is just waiting for you to see it and claim it. For more information callGary R. Miller248-350-1550The believing Company

    About Gary

    Gary R. Miller Photography... the Loving Touch, is a warm and friendly photographic studio which specializes in helping people look their best. Perfect smiles, perfect bodies, perfect skin, and a perfect message. Gary personally, starts off by finding out exactly what you want to achieve during your event or portrait session. Our studio theme is Express yourself... Express your beauty, express your attitude, express your personality, express your hobby, express your relationship with loved ones, friends, or pets.


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